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Online coaching - 3 videos

Online coaching - 3 videos

Do you need help with your training in order to achieve your goals? With this 3-video online coaching plan you can get the help you want! 


What you will send in:

  • 3 videos á 30 minutes each.

  • Answers to an introduction form that I will send out to you after your purschase. 


What you will get out from the online coaching:

  • Feedback on your videos in detail - 5 to 10 pages per video depending on the issue. 

  • Tips and tricks on how to improve or fix your problem. 


How does it work?

You’ll send in a video of maximum 30 minutes of raw video footage. The videos should not be edited in order for me to get the full picture. If you want to include multiple sessions or issues in your 30 minute video that’s perfectly fine. Then you can just combine your separate videos into one. You will upload the videos on YouTube as unlisted (nobody except people who have the link can watch it). There is a guide in the document you’ll receive if you don’t know how to upload your videos and make it unlisted. 


When sending your videos you will also answer a few questions I’ve included in the document. Those are necessary for me to help you the best way and get as much knowledge about you and your dog as possible. The questions are to be answered with every video you send in so I can examine if I see a pattern or other things that need to be done in order to see some development.


You will get an answer from me within a week. In my email you will get feedback on your video and suggestions on how to work until  your next video will be sent in. 


What you need for the online coaching:

  • Something to film with and keep conact with me (camera, computer or phone).

  • Email address 

  • A dog

  • An area where you can film your video in good lightning, minimum distractions and for me to see a full body frame. 

  • Youtube account

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