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Here I am Zip Zap

The "Ferdinand" of the pack, the Border Collie that almost is not a Border Collie ;)

Nacho is named after the Nacho Chip that we all love! I wanted a dog that was named after a food and that was cute enough to match is very sweet face. So Nacho it was!

Nacho was not planned in any way, shape or form. And it was actually Rasmus idea to contact Bohdi's breeder once they announced a new litter. Ella was easily talked in to the idea even though it was a long wait until Nacho would be picked up. As the rules for importing a puppy to Sweden requires the puppy to be 15 weeks old, it was a long wait. But it was all worth it in the end!

Nacho is the perfect dog in so many ways. He is sweet, friendly, calm and cool. He is a killer at Heelwork to Music and has a long career ahead of him in that sport. He is not even 2 years old and already selected for Team Sweden. Big things will happen!


Full name:

Here I am Zip Zap


Border Collie

Date of birth:



Kennel Zip Zap

Prauge, Czech Republic


Eyes clear

Perfect hips, knees and spine


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